Git Filter Repo — Splitting a Subfolder Into A New Repository

Edward Ezekiel
2 min readJan 26, 2021


Welcome to 2021! This is my first blog post of the new year and I’m excited to get back to writing. Let’s dive right in.

The Task: Pulling a Frontend Repository From a Combined Frontend/Backend Project

I’ve worked on a project for some time that has one GitHub repository containing both the frontend and backend applications.


Recently, it finally came time to split these applications apart:


Preserving Git History

One obviously problem with creating a new repository from a subfolder is preserving git history. Losing years of git history or losing current branches in development would have been a non-starter.

This post shares the exact steps I used to create a new frontend repository from the project while preserving git history. The key here was a tool called git filter-repo. The git CLI itself advised me to use git filter repo instead of the native git filter-branch command.


  1. Install git-filter-repo
brew install git-filter-repo

2. Change directories to the location where you would like to create the new frontend repository

cd ~

3. Clone down the original PROJECT repository and change directories

git clone[PROJECT]cd PROJECT

4. Run git filter-repo

git filter-repo --subdirectory-filter FRONTEND/ --tag-rename '':'frontend'

5. Create FRONTEND repository in GitHub

6. Add the remote branch

cd FRONTENDgit remote add origin[FRONTEND]git branch -M maingit push -u origin main

7. Push all git branches to the remote

git push remote --all

And that’s it! I hope you found this post helpful and thank you for reading.


Originally published at



Edward Ezekiel
Edward Ezekiel

Written by Edward Ezekiel

💻 Senior Angular Engineer @herodevs | 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Husband and Dad | ⚖️ Juris Doctor

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